A 3D application developed for my Computer Graphics class.

The algorithm for this is simple iterative midpoint displacement. When implemented in 2D, the resulting geometry has a tendency to resemble a 3D mountain. Here is an animated gif of the algorithm, credit to António Miguel de Campos and wikipedia:

The iterative midpoint displacement algorithm in action

This worked well in 2D, and below is an example of my implementation.

2D implementation

An important thing to note here is that despite the appearance 3D geometry, this is nothing more than an illusion. Any significant motion in this scene causes that illusion to break, so I was interested in the results if this were to be implemented in 3D. Unfortunately I found the results to be a lot less like the terrain that I was hoping for, either resulting in a mesh that is too uniform or something far more similar to a crumpled piece of cloth than a true mountain. However, I still believe the end result looks quite satisfying.

Adjusting parameters can create some interesting effects.
My personal favorite parameters create something similar to a crumpled piece of paper.

Tools utilized: C++, OpenGL, GLEW, GLFW, GLM